A sand paver base is one of the most popular options due to sand’s accessibility and spreadability. However, sand is not an ideal base on its own. Over time, sand shifts and can create an uneven foundation. If your foundation is anything but level, your pavers will show it.
Sand is often used in conjunction with crushed stone for increased durability. Because sand comes in many degrees of fineness and coarseness, not all types are suited for use as a paver base. The Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute recommends washed concrete sand as the best base sand for pavers.
Concrete sand, also known as bedding sand, is coarse and doesn’t trap excess moisture beneath the paver surface. This allows pavers to drain after a heavy rain and maintain their structural integrity over time.

    A crushed stone paver base is made of small stone pieces that have been broken and screened for uniformity. According to the Minerals Education Coalition, common rock types processed into crushed stone include limestone, dolomite, granite and trap rock. Stone aggregate comes in a variety of sizes, but most experts recommend 3/4-inch gravel for paver bases.
Crushed stone makes a solid paver base because it allows water drainage and is easy to work with. Like sand, crushed stone comes in several varieties. The best aggregate for paver bases is a quarry processed dense grade aggregate. Quarry processing creates a combination of 3/4-inch crushed stone and stone dust. This mixture binds well and increases durability, making it one of the best materials for maximum strength and cohesion.


      The Right Equipment Matters
Masonry work also requires very specific equipment. Some examples include:
A Trowel
Masonry Saws
Masonry Hammer
Mixing Tools
Blocking Chisels
A Mashing Hammer
Mason’s Line
And More
These tools aren’t often in the standard homeowner’s toolset. When avid DIYers don’t have the right tool, they’ll often use whatever they have that’s closest. In masonry work, you can’t use regular tools. Even if you committed to buying the proper equipment, learning how to use them is also challenging.

Plus, when all the costs come in to play, it can be more expensive to get all the right tools than to have hired a professional in the first place.

 Masonry Takes Practice to Get Right
On average, it takes about forty to fifty hours of practicing brickwork before you can create a structurally sound wall that looks good. You can’t learn masonry through reading a book or watching a video. You actually have to practice. All that practicing costs time and money. Plus, without an expert there to help with any hiccups, learning on your own can be incredibly difficult.

Bricks are just one type of masonry work, too. Think about stones. Stone is incredibly costly, and unlike manufactured materials, stones don’t have any uniformity. They aren’t soft or malleable, yet in masonry, you have to get rocks to bend to your will. They have to fit in spaces they weren’t meant to fit in. It requires decades of working with stone to understand how to break, saw, and fit it accurately.

Professionals Save Time and Money
While the initial price of masonry work might seem shocking, homeowners who choose to go with the pros often save money in the long run. Like we’ve already discussed, the cost of materials and equipment alone can be astronomical. And you have to figure in the value of the education and experience you get with an actual professional.

While you can argue that you can learn to do it on your own, it doesn’t make much fiscal sense. Plus, the time it would take you to learn and execute would be much more than the time it would take a mason to complete the job.

 It Could Hurt Your Home’s Resale Value
Masonry work can add value to your home. With quality masonry work and repairs, you can expect a huge ROI if you sell your home. However, lousy masonry work has the opposite effect.

Those large cracks you see in masonry work are usually caused by poor installation, water damage, or poor maintenance. Even small cracks spell more significant damage in the future. For instance, cracks in a brick home can result in foundation damage later on. That’s why it’s essential that your masonry work is done correctly from the beginning and maintained properly throughout its lifespan.

  A stack bond design resembles the running bond with one difference: rows are laid parallel rather than staggered.
While precisely aligning rows takes time, you don’t have to do any cutting, suiting stack bonds to curves. The pattern’s orderly appearance comes from proper brick spacing, making it ideal for small patio and garden path projects.
Alternating bricks at 45- and 90-degree angles produces a zigzag resembling fish bones, which pavements during the Roman Empire featured. Minimal edge cutting eases laying herringbone patterns, though time-consuming for novices. 
You need to space chalk lines properly to prevent errant zigzags. Dry runs for further accuracy. The striking yet uniform appearance suits driveways, patios, or garden walkways.